1 前言
AVL-tree是一种平衡二叉树,搜索的平均复杂度是O(log n)。本篇博客将介绍AVL-tree的两种实现方式,其中第二种方式是参考<STL源码剖析>,较第一种方式更为简单高效,推荐第二种方式
2 定义
在计算机科学中,AVL树是最先发明的自平衡二叉查找树。在AVL树中任何节点的两个子树的高度最大差别为一,所以它也被称为高度平衡树。查找、插入和删除在平均和最坏情况下都是O(log n)。增加和删除可能需要通过一次或多次树旋转来重新平衡这个树
- val:节点的值
- left:节点的左孩子
- right:节点的右孩子
- parent:节点的双亲
- height:节点的高度
- 相比于普通的搜索二叉树,AVL树额外维护了一个高度属性,因为AVL树通过该高度属性来判断树的平衡性
- 每个节点的左子树与右子树的高度最多不超过1
- 节点的高度:从给定节点到其最深叶节点所经过的边的数量
3 版本1
3.1 平衡性破坏分析
- 对于一个节点X,调整(这里的调整特指旋转)之前其高度记为Hx
- 仍然对于上述节点X,调整一次后高度记为Hx+
3.1.1 可旋性分析

只有HC >= HE时,旋转后该子树的所有节点才满足AVL树的性质
- 旋转前,各节点高度如下
- HD=HA-1或HD=HA-2
- HC=HA-1
- HE=HA-1或HE=HA-2
- 旋转后,各节点高度如下
- HD+=HD=HA-1或HA-2
- HE+=HE=HA-1或HA-2
- HC+=HC=HA-1
- 旋转后,B节点平衡,HB+=HA或HB+=HA-1
- 旋转后,A节点平衡,HA+=HA或HA+=HA+1

只有HD >= HE时,旋转后该子树的所有节点才满足AVL树的性质
- 旋转前,各节点高度如下
- HC=HB-1或HC=HB-2
- HD=HB-1
- HE=HB-1或HE=HB-2
- 旋转后,各节点高度如下
- HD+=HD=HB-1
- HE+=HE=HB-1或HB-2
- HC+=HC=HB-1或HB-2
- 旋转后,A节点平衡,且HA+=HB或HA+=HB-1
- 旋转后,B节点平衡,且HB+=HB或HB+=HB+1
3.1.2 平衡性的维护

- 需要对C进行一次右旋
- 右旋的前提是HB >= HD
- 若不满足HB >= HD,则需要首先对A进行一次左旋,而左旋又存在前提
- 一直往下递归,直至满足旋转条件
假设对C节点的右旋条件不满足,即HB < HD,那么此时需要对A节点进行一次左旋。但是A节点左旋后可能会导致A子树的高度发生变化(可能A节点的高度比旋转前少1)。如果A子树的高度少1,那么对于节点C就成为一个平衡节点了,就不需要再进行右旋操作了。但是对于下面将要讲的伪代码中,并没有进行这样的优化。也就意味着不管A子树的高度是否发生变化,C的右旋仍然会执行,这样做并不会破坏平衡性(旋转前后都会处于平衡状态),只是复杂度增高了

- 需要对A进行一次左旋
- 左旋的前提是HE >= HD
- 若不满足HE >= HD,则需要首先对C进行一次右旋,而右旋又存在前提
- 一直往下递归,直至满足旋转条件
3.2 伪代码
3.2.1 基本操作
1 2 3 4
| AVL-TREE-HEIGHT(T,x) if x.left.height≥x.right.height x.height=x.left.height+1 else x.height=x.right.height+1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
| AVL-TREE-TRANSPLANT(T,u,v) if u.p==T.nil T.root=v elseif u==u.p.left u.p.left=v else u.p.right=v v.p=u.p
3.2.2 左旋和右旋
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| AVL-TREE-LEFT-ROTATE(T,x) y=x.right x.right=y.left if y.left≠T.nil y.left.p=x y.p=x.p if x.p== T.nil T.root=y elseif x==x.p.left x.p.left=y else x.p.right=y y.left=x x.p=y AVL-TREE-HEIGHT(T,x) AVL-TREE-HEIGHT(T,y)
return y
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| AVL-TREE-RIGH-TROTATE(T,y) x=y.left y.left=x.right if x.right≠T.nil x.right.p=y x.p=y.p if y.p==T.nil root=x elseif y==y.p.left y.p.left=x else y.p.right=x x.right=y y.p=x AVL-TREE-HEIGHT(T,y) AVL-TREE-HEIGHT(T,x)
return x
3.2.3 性质维护
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| AVL-TREE-HOLD-ROTATE(T,x,orientation) let stack1,stack2 be two stacks stack1.push(x) stack2.push(orientation) cur=Nil rotateRoot=Nil curOrientation=INVALID; while(!stack1.Empty()) cur=stack1.top() curOrientation=stack2.top() if curOrientation==LEFT if cur.right.right.height≥cur.right.left.height stack1.pop() stack2.pop() rotateRoot=AVL-TREE-LEFT-ROTATE(T,cur) else stack1.push(cur.right) stack2.push(RIGHT); elseif curOrientation ==RIGHT if cur.left.left.height≥cur.left.right.height stack1.pop() stack2.pop() rotateRoot=AVL-TREE-RIGHT-ROTATE(T,cur) else stack1.push(cur.left) stack2.push(LEFT) return rotateRoot
3.2.4 插入
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| AVL-TREE-TREE-INSERT(T,z) y=T.nil x=T.root while x≠T.nil y=x if z.key<x.key x=x.left else x=x.right z.p=y if y==T.nil T.root=z elseif z.key<y.key y.left=z else y.right=z z.left=T.nil z.right=T.nil AVL-TREE-FIXUP(T,z)
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| AVL-TREE-FIXUP(T,y) if y==T.nil y=y.p while(y≠T.nil) AVL-TREE-HEIGHT(y) if y.left.height==y.right.height+2 y= AVL-TREE-HOLD-ROTATE(T,y,2) elseif y.right.height=y.left.height+2 y= AVL-TREE-HOLD-ROTATE(T,y,1) y=y.p
3.2.5 删除
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| AVL-TREE-DELETE(T,z) y=z if z.left==T.nil x=y.right AVL-TREE-TRANSPLANT(T,z,z.right) elseif z.right==T.nil x=y.left AVL-TREE-TRANSPLANT(T,z,z.left) else y=AVL-TREE-MINIMUM(z.right) x=y.right if y.p==z x.p=y else AVL-TREE-TRANSPLANT (T,y,y.right) y.right=z.right y.right.p=y AVL-TREE-TRANSPLANT (T,z,y) y.left=z.left y.left.p=y AVL-TREE-FIXUP(T,x)
4 版本2
4.1 几类不平衡情况
- 第一类:外侧
- 插入点位于A的左子节点的左子树–左左
- 插入点位于A的右子节点的右子树–右右
- 第二类:内侧
- 插入点位于A的左子节点的右子树–左右
- 插入点位于A的右子节点的左子树–右左
4.1.1 第一类不平衡(以左左为例)
- 对于一个节点X,调整(这里的调整特指旋转)之前其高度记为Hx
- 仍然对于上述节点X,调整一次后高度记为Hx+

- HB=HC+2
- HA=HC+2(为什么A和B高度相同,因为B的高度已经更新过了,而A仍然是是插入新节点之前的高度,即尚未维护A节点的height字段)
- HD=HB-1=HC+1
- HE必定小于HD(否则在新节点插入到节点D为根节点的子树之前,A节点就是不平衡的),因此HE=HC
- HD+=HD=HC+1
- HC+=HC
- 由于HE+=HC+,于是A节点平衡,且HA+=HC+1
- B节点也是平衡的,且HB+=HC+2
4.1.2 第二类不平衡(以左右为例)
- 对于一个节点X,调整(这里的调整特指旋转)之前其高度记为Hx
- 仍然对于上述节点X,调整一次后高度记为Hx+
- 仍然对于上述节点X,调整二次后高度记为Hx++

- HB=HC+2
- HA=HC+2(为什么A和B高度相同,因为B的高度已经更新过了,而A仍然是是插入新节点之前的高度,即尚未维护A节点的height字段)
- HE=HB-1=HC+1
- HD必定小于HE,因此HD=HC
- HH与HI至少有一个是HC,另一个可以是HC或HC-1
- HH+=HH=HC or HC-1
- HI+=HI=HC or HC-1
- HC+=HC
- HA+=HA=HC+2
- HB+=HC+1
- 当HI+=HC-1时,节点E可能是不平衡的,但是没关系,这只是个中间状态,HE=HC+2
- HD++=HD+=HC
- HH++=HH+= HC or HC-1
- HI++=HI+=HC or HC-1
- HC++=HC+=HC
- 旋转后,B节点平衡,HB++=HC+1
- 旋转后,A节点平衡,HA++=HC+1
- 因此旋转后,E节点平衡,HE++=HC+2
4.2 伪代码
4.2.1 基本操作
1 2 3 4
| AVL-TREE-HEIGHT(T,x) if x.left.height≥x.right.height x.height=x.left.height+1 else x.height=x.right.height+1
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| AVL-TREE-TRANSPLANT(T,u,v) if u.p==T.nil T.root=v elseif u==u.p.left u.p.left=v else u.p.right=v v.p=u.p
4.2.2 左旋和右旋
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| AVL-TREE-LEFT-ROTATE(T,x) y=x.right x.right=y.left if y.left≠T.nil y.left.p=x y.p=x.p if x.p== T.nil T.root=y elseif x==x.p.left x.p.left=y else x.p.right=y y.left=x x.p=y AVL-TREE-HEIGHT(T,x) AVL-TREE-HEIGHT(T,y)
return y
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| AVL-TREE-RIGHT-ROTATE(T,y) x=y.left y.left=x.right if x.right≠T.nil x.right.p=y x.p=y.p if y.p==T.nil root=x elseif y==y.p.left y.p.left=x else y.p.right=x x.right=y y.p=x AVL-TREE-HEIGHT(T,y) AVL-TREE-HEIGHT(T,x)
return x
4.2.3 插入
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| AVL-TREE-INSERT(T,z) y=T.nil x=T.root while x≠T.nil y=x if z.key<x.key x=x.left else x=x.right z.p=y if y==T.nil T.root=z elseif z.key<y.key y.left=z else y.right=z z.left=T.nil z.right=T.nil AVL-TREE-BALANCE-FIX (T,z)
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| AVL-TREE--BALANCE-FIX(T,z) originHigh=z.h AVL-TREE-HEIGHT(z) r=z if z.left.h==z.right.h+2 if z.left.left.h>=z.left.right.h r=AVL-TREE-RIGHT-ROTATE(z) elseif z.left.left.h<z.left.right.h AVL-TREE-LEFT-ROTATE(z.left) r=AVL-TREE-RIGHT-ROTATE(z) elseif z.right.h==z.left.h+2 if z.right.right.h>=z.right.left.h r=AVL-TREE-LEFT-ROTATE(z) elseif z.right.right.h<z.right.left.h AVL-TREE-RIGHT-ROTATE(z.right) r=AVL-TREE-LEFT-ROTATE(z) if r.h!=originHigh and r!=root AVL-TREE--BALANCE-FIX(r.parent)
4.2.4 删除
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| AVL-TREE-DELETE(T,z) y=z p=y.parent if z.left==T.nil AVL-TREE-TRANSPLANT(T,z,z.right) elseif z.right==T.nil AVL-TREE-TRANSPLANT(T,z,z.left) else y=AVL-TREE-MINIMUM(z.right) if y==z.right p=y else p=y.parent AVL-TREE-TRANSPLANT(y,y.right) y.right=z.right y.right.parent=y y.left=z.left y.left.parent=y AVL-TREE-TRANSPLANT (T,z,y) y.height=z.height if p!=nil AVL-TREE--BALANCE-FIX(p)
5 Java源码
5.1 节点定义
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| public class AVLTreeNode {
int h;
int val;
AVLTreeNode left, right, parent;
public AVLTreeNode(int val) { h = 0; this.val = val; left = null; right = null; parent = null; } }
5.2 版本1
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| package org.liuyehcf.algorithm.datastructure.tree.avltree;
import java.util.*;
public class AVLTree1 { private enum RotateOrientation { INVALID, LEFT, RIGHT }
private AVLTreeNode root;
private AVLTreeNode nil; private Map<AVLTreeNode, Integer> highMap;
public AVLTree1() { nil = new AVLTreeNode(0); nil.left = nil; nil.right = nil; nil.parent = nil; root = nil; }
public void insert(int val) { AVLTreeNode x = root; AVLTreeNode y = nil; AVLTreeNode z = new AVLTreeNode(val); while (x != nil) { y = x; if (val < x.val) { x = x.left; } else { x = x.right; } } z.parent = y; if (y == nil) { root = z; } else if (z.val < y.val) { y.left = z; } else { y.right = z; } z.left = nil; z.right = nil; fixUp(z); if (!check()) throw new RuntimeException(); }
private void fixUp(AVLTreeNode y) { if (y == nil) { y = y.parent; } while (y != nil) { updateHigh(y); if (y.left.h == y.right.h + 2) y = holdRotate(y, RotateOrientation.RIGHT); else if (y.right.h == y.left.h + 2) y = holdRotate(y, RotateOrientation.LEFT); y = y.parent; } }
private AVLTreeNode holdRotate(AVLTreeNode x, RotateOrientation orientation) { LinkedList<AVLTreeNode> stack1 = new LinkedList<AVLTreeNode>(); LinkedList<RotateOrientation> stack2 = new LinkedList<RotateOrientation>(); stack1.push(x); stack2.push(orientation); AVLTreeNode cur = nil; AVLTreeNode rotateRoot = nil; RotateOrientation curOrientation = RotateOrientation.INVALID; while (!stack1.isEmpty()) { cur = stack1.peek(); curOrientation = stack2.peek(); if (curOrientation == RotateOrientation.LEFT) { if (cur.right.right.h >= cur.right.left.h) { stack1.pop(); stack2.pop(); rotateRoot = leftRotate(cur); } else { stack1.push(cur.right); stack2.push(RotateOrientation.RIGHT); } } else if (curOrientation == RotateOrientation.RIGHT) { if (cur.left.left.h >= cur.left.right.h) { stack1.pop(); stack2.pop(); rotateRoot = rightRotate(cur); } else { stack1.push(cur.left); stack2.push(RotateOrientation.LEFT); } } } return rotateRoot; }
private void updateHigh(AVLTreeNode z) { z.h = Math.max(z.left.h, z.right.h) + 1; }
private AVLTreeNode leftRotate(AVLTreeNode x) { AVLTreeNode y = x.right; x.right = y.left; if (y.left != nil) { y.left.parent = x; } y.parent = x.parent; if (x.parent == nil) { root = y; } else if (x == x.parent.left) { x.parent.left = y; } else { x.parent.right = y; } y.left = x; x.parent = y;
updateHigh(x); updateHigh(y); return y; }
private AVLTreeNode rightRotate(AVLTreeNode y) { AVLTreeNode x = y.left; y.left = x.right; if (x.right != nil) { x.right.parent = y; } x.parent = y.parent; if (y.parent == nil) { root = x; } else if (y == y.parent.left) { y.parent.left = x; } else { y.parent.right = x; } x.right = y; y.parent = x;
updateHigh(y); updateHigh(x); return x; }
private boolean check() { highMap = new HashMap<AVLTreeNode, Integer>(); return checkHigh(root) && checkBalance(root); }
private boolean checkHigh(AVLTreeNode root) { if (root == nil) return true; return checkHigh(root.left) && checkHigh(root.right) && root.h == high(root); }
private int high(AVLTreeNode root) { if (root == nil) { return 0; } if (highMap.containsKey(root)) return highMap.get(root); int leftHigh = high(root.left); int rightHigh = high(root.right); highMap.put(root, Math.max(leftHigh, rightHigh) + 1); return highMap.get(root); }
private boolean checkBalance(AVLTreeNode root) { if (root == nil) { return true; } int leftHigh = root.left.h; int rightHigh = root.right.h; if (Math.abs(leftHigh - rightHigh) == 2) return false; return checkBalance(root.left) && checkBalance(root.right); }
public boolean search(int val) { return search(root, val) != nil; }
private AVLTreeNode search(AVLTreeNode x, int val) { while (x != nil) { if (x.val == val) return x; else if (val < x.val) { x = x.left; } else { x = x.right; } } return nil; }
public void delete(int val) { AVLTreeNode z = search(root, val); if (z == nil) { throw new RuntimeException(); } AVLTreeNode y = z; AVLTreeNode x = nil; if (z.left == nil) { x = y.right; transplant(z, z.right); } else if (z.right == nil) { x = y.left; transplant(z, z.left); } else { y = min(z.right); x = y.right; if (y.parent == z) { x.parent = y; } else { transplant(y, y.right); y.right = z.right; y.right.parent = y; } transplant(z, y);
y.left = z.left; y.left.parent = y;
} fixUp(x); if (!check()) throw new RuntimeException(); }
private void transplant(AVLTreeNode u, AVLTreeNode v) { v.parent = u.parent; if (u.parent == nil) { root = v; } else if (u == u.parent.left) { u.parent.left = v; } else { u.parent.right = v; } }
private AVLTreeNode min(AVLTreeNode x) { while (x.left != nil) { x = x.left; } return x; }
public void inOrderTraverse() { inOrderTraverse(root); System.out.println(); }
public void levelOrderTraversal() { Queue<AVLTreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<AVLTreeNode>(); queue.offer(root); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { int len = queue.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { AVLTreeNode peek = queue.poll(); System.out.print("[" + peek.val + "," + peek.h + "], "); if (peek.left != nil) queue.offer(peek.left); if (peek.right != nil) queue.offer(peek.right); } } System.out.println(); }
private void inOrderTraverse(AVLTreeNode root) { if (root != nil) { inOrderTraverse(root.left); System.out.print(root.val + ", "); inOrderTraverse(root.right); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Random random = new Random();
int TIMES = 10;
while (--TIMES > 0) { System.out.println("剩余测试次数: " + TIMES); AVLTree1 avlTree2 = new AVLTree1();
int N = 1000; int M = N / 2;
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { set.add(random.nextInt()); }
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(set); Collections.shuffle(list, random); for (int i : list) { avlTree2.insert(i); }
Collections.shuffle(list, random);
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { set.remove(list.get(i)); avlTree2.delete(list.get(i)); }
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { int k = random.nextInt(); set.add(k); avlTree2.insert(k); } list.clear(); list.addAll(set); Collections.shuffle(list, random);
for (int i : list) { avlTree2.delete(i); } } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Run time: " + (end - start) / 1000 + "s"); } }
5.3 版本2
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| package org.liuyehcf.algorithm.datastructure.tree.avltree;
import java.util.*;
public class AVLTree2 { private AVLTreeNode root;
private AVLTreeNode nil; private Map<AVLTreeNode, Integer> highMap;
public AVLTree2() { nil = new AVLTreeNode(0); nil.left = nil; nil.right = nil; nil.parent = nil; root = nil; }
public void insert(int val) { AVLTreeNode x = root; AVLTreeNode y = nil; AVLTreeNode z = new AVLTreeNode(val); while (x != nil) { y = x; if (val < x.val) { x = x.left; } else { x = x.right; } } z.parent = y; if (y == nil) { root = z; } else if (z.val < y.val) { y.left = z; } else { y.right = z; } z.left = nil; z.right = nil; balanceFix(z); if (!check()) throw new RuntimeException(); }
private void balanceFix(AVLTreeNode z) { int originHigh = z.h;
AVLTreeNode r = z;
if (z.left.h == z.right.h + 2) { if (z.left.left.h >= z.left.right.h) { r = rightRotate(z); } else if (z.left.left.h < z.left.right.h) { leftRotate(z.left); r = rightRotate(z); }
} else if (z.right.h == z.left.h + 2) { if (z.right.right.h >= z.right.left.h) { r = leftRotate(z); } else if (z.right.right.h < z.right.left.h) { rightRotate(z.right); r = leftRotate(z); } }
if (r.h != originHigh && r != root) balanceFix(r.parent); }
private void updateHigh(AVLTreeNode z) { z.h = Math.max(z.left.h, z.right.h) + 1; }
private AVLTreeNode leftRotate(AVLTreeNode x) { AVLTreeNode y = x.right; x.right = y.left; if (y.left != nil) { y.left.parent = x; } y.parent = x.parent; if (x.parent == nil) { root = y; } else if (x == x.parent.left) { x.parent.left = y; } else { x.parent.right = y; } y.left = x; x.parent = y;
updateHigh(x); updateHigh(y); return y; }
private AVLTreeNode rightRotate(AVLTreeNode y) { AVLTreeNode x = y.left; y.left = x.right; if (x.right != nil) { x.right.parent = y; } x.parent = y.parent; if (y.parent == nil) { root = x; } else if (y == y.parent.left) { y.parent.left = x; } else { y.parent.right = x; } x.right = y; y.parent = x;
updateHigh(y); updateHigh(x); return x; }
private boolean check() { highMap = new HashMap<AVLTreeNode, Integer>(); return checkHigh(root) && checkBalance(root); }
private boolean checkHigh(AVLTreeNode root) { if (root == nil) return true; return checkHigh(root.left) && checkHigh(root.right) && root.h == high(root); }
private int high(AVLTreeNode root) { if (root == nil) { return 0; } if (highMap.containsKey(root)) return highMap.get(root); int leftHigh = high(root.left); int rightHigh = high(root.right); highMap.put(root, Math.max(leftHigh, rightHigh) + 1); return highMap.get(root); }
private boolean checkBalance(AVLTreeNode root) { if (root == nil) { return true; } int leftHigh = root.left.h; int rightHigh = root.right.h; if (Math.abs(leftHigh - rightHigh) == 2) return false; return checkBalance(root.left) && checkBalance(root.right); }
public boolean search(int val) { return search(root, val) != nil; }
private AVLTreeNode search(AVLTreeNode x, int val) { while (x != nil) { if (x.val == val) return x; else if (val < x.val) { x = x.left; } else { x = x.right; } } return nil; }
public void delete(int val) { AVLTreeNode z = search(root, val); if (z == nil) { throw new RuntimeException(); } AVLTreeNode y = z; AVLTreeNode p = y.parent; if (z.left == nil) { transplant(z, z.right); } else if (z.right == nil) { transplant(z, z.left); } else { y = min(z.right); if (y == z.right) { p = y; } else { p = y.parent; } transplant(y, y.right);
y.right = z.right; y.right.parent = y;
y.left = z.left; y.left.parent = y;
transplant(z, y); y.h = z.h; } if (p != nil) balanceFix(p); if (!check()) throw new RuntimeException(); }
private void transplant(AVLTreeNode u, AVLTreeNode v) { v.parent = u.parent; if (u.parent == nil) { root = v; } else if (u == u.parent.left) { u.parent.left = v; } else { u.parent.right = v; } }
private AVLTreeNode min(AVLTreeNode x) { while (x.left != nil) { x = x.left; } return x; }
public void inOrderTraverse() { inOrderTraverse(root); System.out.println(); }
public void levelOrderTraversal() { Queue<AVLTreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<AVLTreeNode>(); queue.offer(root); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { int len = queue.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { AVLTreeNode peek = queue.poll(); System.out.print("[" + peek.val + "," + peek.h + "], "); if (peek.left != nil) queue.offer(peek.left); if (peek.right != nil) queue.offer(peek.right); } } System.out.println(); }
private void inOrderTraverse(AVLTreeNode root) { if (root != nil) { inOrderTraverse(root.left); System.out.print(root.val + ", "); inOrderTraverse(root.right); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Random random = new Random();
int TIMES = 10;
while (--TIMES > 0) { System.out.println("剩余测试次数: " + TIMES); AVLTree2 avlTree = new AVLTree2();
int N = 10000; int M = N / 2;
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { list.add(random.nextInt()); }
Collections.shuffle(list, random); for (int i : list) { avlTree.insert(i); }
Collections.shuffle(list, random);
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { int k = list.get(list.size() - 1); list.remove(list.size() - 1); avlTree.delete(k); }
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { int k = random.nextInt(); list.add(k); avlTree.insert(k); } Collections.shuffle(list, random);
for (int i : list) { avlTree.delete(i); } } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Run time: " + (end - start) / 1000 + "s"); } }